- November
Posted By : Bruce Smith
China’s Testing 6G Tech After Sending ‘World’s 1st 6G’ Satellite Into Orbit

While 5G is still in the stage of implementation across a handful of countries in the world, China has gone a step further and put the world’s first 6G satellite into orbit.

The country is currently reported to be testing the technology for future implementation.

The satellite enabling the 6G technology was launched into orbit along with 12 other satellites from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in the Shanxi Province earlier this week. The launch is said to be the 351st by the Long March rocket series.

A tweet by the Chinese embassy in the US indicates that the 6G will enable connectivity speeds “over 100 times faster” than 5G. In addition to testing the 6G technology, the satellite will also enable crop disaster monitoring and forest fire prevention.

The report mentions that the 6G technology makes use of high-frequency terahertz waves to achieve the ultra-high speed data-transmission. It should be noted that since the 6G specifications are yet to be finalised by the telecom industry the world over, the results from the experiments might not make it to the final version as and when it is rolled out.

Source: https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/china-6g-satellite-into-orbit-527273.html